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January 24, 2009

How To Use You Know Who in Business

post by dimas pratama

" Who you know "has long been an axiom. The truth is that people like doing business with people they know. And you know people through networking. Take advantage of who you know with these steps .

list of all those in your life, now or in the past. This is your network, and each of these people have a network. Everyone is connected to everyone by a few degrees .

maintain connections with people. Sending Christmas cards to former classmates or call a friend for her birthday . Let people know they are important enough to be on your mind. Regular contacts will ensure that you're never far from their minds, whether .

Learn while doing internships with business contacts at the same time. Internships are a great resume builders. An additional benefit: you will become a familiar face. Many jobs are not displayed, but urged people from the employer already knows .

meet new people. Join business groups, trade associations or chambers of commerce. Volontaire. Talk to the person sitting next to you during a lunch. You never know when engaging in friendly conversation will lead to something more .

monitoring with people you meet in an informal and formal. A personal note is a memorable gesture followed. After a business meeting or an interview, take a moment to thank the other person for his time .

offers assistance to others. Think about what you can do to people you know . They will remember that you helped them and want to help in return .

Ask people you know for advice or referral to someone they know. A connection made by a friend of a friend is much more effective than cold calling.

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