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February 11, 2009

Personal Finance

post by dimas pratama

Personal FinanceMost of personal finance is actually planning for your future. Depending on your age and your need you goals in your personal finance can be very different. When you are younger your personal finance goals may involve paying for a big wedding, buying your first home, or starting a family. As you grow your needs grow. You may want to finance your own business or go on a once in a lifetime dream vacation. As you get older you will focus more on retirement and living the lifestyle you are accustomed to during your golden years.

Being able to meet you personal finance goals takes a great deal of money management right now. Personal finance is always a careful balance of budgeting your money so your needs are met now all while putting aside money to use in the future. If you don't know much about personal finance, or want to live a much more extravagant lifestyle then you do currently, you may need to enlist the help of a financial planner.
Many people mistakenly believe that only people who already have a lot of money need a financial planner. This is not true. Many average people are able to meet their personal finance goals with the help of a trained professional. Financial planning is so common and so important that banks and credit unions usually keep a financial planner on staff for their customers. At most banks, this is a free resource for all bank customers. In fact, many banks these days require customers to consult with a financial planner before they will consider then for home loans if they are first time buyers.

A financial planner will educate you about budgeting and saving, help guide your investments, help guide you through the complicated and often confusing tax laws, and help you plan for the distribution of your accumulated wealth after passing on. Financial planners do all this with your specific personal finance goals in mind, drawing of detailed plans to help you reach them, while considering your resources and already existing financial situation. Since personal finance encompasses all of the ways you earn, spend, and save money a financial planner can help you see the bigger picture of how you financial picture looks over time.

In the United States, financial planners are a licensed professional who has passed an investment advisor exam. Your personal finances can be greatly strengthened by the experience and knowledge your financial planner brings to your investments. If you despair of ever living the lifestyle you dream of, a financial planner may be just what you need for your personal finances.

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